History - major achievements
In 2003, the research projects (5 PO6B 017
coordinated by Dr Andrzej Doroszewski) titled "The composition of the
solar spectral irradiance as a factor affecting habit and yield of
crops" was finished.
diverse composition of the spectral radiation, obtained in the
laboratory and
natural conditions have caused that studied cereals (spring wheat and
wheat, spring barley, rye and buckwheat), reacted with visible
photomorphogenetical effects. Plants that received the most far-red
radiation have
grown more rapidly than those which received much less radiation in
spectrum. The faster development of plants growing under conditions
increased quantities of far red, testified to an earlier occurrence,
and completion of various stages of plant development. Plants growing
natural conditions close to or further to growing grass (reflecting
much more FR
radiation than black fallow) and in the growth cameras with radiation
of higher
FR, were taller, had longer and also narrower internodes (buckwheat),
were less branched, less unfertile
was produced, leaves and stems were lined up more vertically, and their
were significantly shorter compared with plants growing in radiation
in which the proportion of FR was low. With an increased number of FR,
spectral composition was also affecting the lower number and weight of
and the lower mass of straw, while the weight of 1000 grains was higher
comparison with plants growing under conditions in which the amount of
radiation in the long term was much smaller. The results obtained with
growing in different distances from the emitter far red (grass),
indicated that
their reactions to the proximity of other plants are very strong. Even
the grass
growing at a considerable distance (about 50 cm) resulted in
significant photomorphogenetical
changes in cereals.
The results
obtained from measurements carried out in the laboratory also shows
that during
the entire development, plant physiological processes were focused on
the final
result - the maximisation of the adjustment process to the existing
of radiation - and the survival of offspring. A manifestation of this
adaptation for plants growing under conditions of radiation with a
higher ratio
of red to far red, was a significant reduction in efficiency of
the intracellular concentration of CO2 in the
leaf chlorophyll
content, conductivity of water in stoma, and the number of stomata.
In 2005, Dr. Andrew
Doroszewski became head of the Department
In 2006, the
project titled "Improving online decision support system for integrated
protection of wheat and potatoes” was terminated. The project was
by Dr. Andrzej Zaliwski. The aim of this study was to improve the
Decision Support System in Integrated Plant Protection" (IPM IDSS).
the project the system for collecting weather data with automatic
update of
weather data from synoptic and agrometeorological stations were
Validation of the Danish system-Diseases Plant Protection (PP-Diseases)
for /
Septoriose / winter wheat and spring, confirmed the usefulness of the
system in
their protection against this disease. The system correctly sets out
periods of treatments and doses of fungicide. The authors have found
that the values
adopted from Danish models can also be used without changes in the
conditions. Application to analyses economic evaluation of crop
treatments was added to the system. The carried out cooperation with
the Lublin
Agricultural Advisory Centre (LODR) in Konskowola allowed the
implementation of
NegFry model in the fields of potato production. According to the
opinion of LODR
advisors and farmers overall state of the plantation where the system
implemented was better than in the plantations with the traditional
system of
plant protection products.
Opr. Andrzej Doroszewski