History - major achievements
In 2007, the
PBZ-KBN-108/P04/2004 project titled: "Structure, evolution and dynamics
the lithosphere, cryosphere and biosphere in the European sector of
Arctic and
the Antarctic", was completed.
The project was coordinated by
Prof. Stanislaw Rakus-Suszczewski from the Department of Antarctic
Biology PAN.
The coordinator of the task, implemented in IUNG was a participant of
polar expeditions, Dr. Rafał Pudełko. The task was named:
of topographic map of the area ASPA 128, and estimation of the size and
rate of
deglaciation between 1979 and 2006 caused by changes of climate in the
of the South Shetland Islands". An analysis of changes in the extent of
that occurred in the years 1979 - 2007, showed a general trend of
ice surface. During the period there was no significant surface, where
a growth
of ice was observed. At the tested site, it was observed that all ice
surface was
melting, which were not supplied from the neighbouring glacier systems
and the
observed glacial emergence of new nunataks associated with a decreasing
thickness of the ice, which is accompanied by the accuracy of the
regression of
Changes in glaciers ranges must be connected to climate change observed
in the
region of the South Shetland Islands. Significant loss of ice masses
demonstrates superiority of ablation over the possibility of
compensation of
ice produced from precipitation. An analysis of the change rate of the
important glaciers range (Ecology Glacier and Baranowski Glacier) in
periods shows that the fastest deglaciation in the site occurred in the
nineties, whereupon its rate has slowed down.
In 2007, the project titled "Development of
recommendations related to the climate cycle" was completed. The project
was coordinated by Dr. Jerzy Kozyra.
The main task of the
Agricultural Recommendations System (SDS) is to help identify threats
agricultural production caused by the course of the weather. The system
is based
on the interoperable computer applications (including web applications)
and GIS
applications. Integral parts of the system are developed algorithms and
web-based agrotechnical decision-making recommendations for different
of the weather in a given year. The web applications with yield
projections on
the basis of meteorological data, and applications of phenological
models that
use the sum of effective temperatures were developed.
In 2007, the employees of the Department were honoured with an award
from the
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for the work: Development
of methodology
and conduction of the process of secretion and detailing the
farming areas in Poland. Award
received: T. Stuczyński, J. Jadczyszyn, K.
Filipiak, J. Kozyra, R. Pudełko, M. Capała, R.
Korzeniowska-Pacułek, M.
Kowalik, P. Koza, J. Wiącek, E.
In 2007, the
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development entrusted IUNG-PIB with
the monitoring
of agricultural drought in Poland. These are research projects
annually. Drought monitoring is conducted at the Department of
and Applied Informatics and in the Department of Soil Erosion and Land
The project is coordinated by dr. Andrzej Doroszewski.
In 2007, the Polish Parliament
passed a law "on subsidies to the insurance of agricultural crops and
animals". Following the introduction in July 2008 the mandatory
of farmers against losses caused by drought - there was an urgent need
to organise
monitoring of the effects of drought for the crops in Poland. IUNG-PIB
undertook the task of creating a drought monitoring system for the
whole of Poland,
which operates without interruption since 2007. The established
drought monitoring system in Poland fully complies with the
contained in the definition of drought Law on Insurance of agricultural
and livestock. It draws on developed IUNG-PIB models yield predictions,
that used in the development of excellent unique database on soils.
has created a basis for agricultural drought monitoring system for the
territory, constantly evaluating the hazards of drought on agricultural
The system takes into account variations of soil cover resistance to
stress and the main species and groups of Polish arable crops. It has
critical values of climatic water balance for each species, groups of
which are provided in the Act of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development (Journal of Laws No. 150, item 1249, 2006, No. 120, item 825). Presence
of such values means now an average yield reduction of 20% per year in
to the long-term average in Poland. Based on the meteorological data
from June
to September information in the form of maps and tables - values of
water balance for individual municipalities in Poland (3064
municipalities) are
prepared in ten day periods. The report covers fourteen species and
groups of
plants and four soils categories with different susceptibility to
drought. The system
provides a possibility to obtain information on the categories of soil
by using
the Internet.
conducted on drought monitoring are presented on the website
(http://www.minrol.gov.pl and http://www.susza.iung.pulawy.pl/) where
you can
get information on the risks of drought during the growing season in
each of
Polish NUTS-5 (LAU2) level. Agricultural drought monitoring system is
aimed at
users of the information including to the Ministry of Agriculture and
Development, insurance companies, administrations, local government
agricultural advisory services to farmers.
Opr. Andrzej Doroszewski