Start of the project Clim4Cast: Central European Alliance for Increasing Climate Change Resilience to Combined Consequences of Drought, Heatwave, and Fire Weather through Regionally-Tuned Forecasting.
The first meeting of the Clim4Cast project partners took place on March 1. The project is implemented under the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027 programme ( The Clim4Cast project coordinator is the Global Change Research Institute from Czech Republic. The partners of the project are 7 institutions from Central Europe: Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Reaearch Institute (Poland), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), TU Wien (Austria), Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (Germany), Slovenian Environment Agency (Slovenia), Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Croatia), Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (Slovakia).
The aim is to increase resilience of the CE region to impacts of drought, heatwaves, fire weather (DHF), and their combined effects, by upgrading existing national tools that mostly ONLY monitor DHF status. The tools will be upgraded by jointly developed DHF forecasts connected to specific action plans on the forecast use and strategy for building DHF-climate change awareness. The project will improve regions’ best practices across 7 involved countries but can be scaled up to the entire CE.

Work package title
- Integrated strategy to increase DHF and climate change effects awareness within CE region
- Joint development and implementation of forecasting tool for DHF and their compound effects
- Joint development of DHF response action plan through efficient use of early warning system
The team of the Department of Bioeconomy and Systems Analysis is the leader of the activity on „Developing and delivering strategies on improved climate change awareness”.
Partners supporting the project from Poland are: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Agricultural Advisory Center in Brwinów, Zachodniopomorska Izba Rolnicza.
The project will be implemented from March 2023 to February 2026.
For more information, please visit our website:
The coordinator of the project on behalf of IUNG-PIB is Jerzy Kozyra (