
The MacroBil program creates a nutrient balance (N,P,K) „on the soil surface” in the farm.  The following sources of input to the soil are included in the inflow balance:

The output side will include the uptake of the ingredient by the crops. The program will help in the implementation of tasks resulting from the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 23 December 2002 on detailed requirements to be met by action programs aimed at reducing nitrogen outflow from agricultural sources (Journal of Laws of 2003, No. 4, item 44).  


The NawSald program is addressed to agricultural producers and agricultural advisors as a tool for drawing up fertilization plans for arable lands in accordance with the principles of sustainable mineral management.
          In sustainable farms, mineral fertilization should be considered as a complement to organic fertilisation. The basis for sustainable fertilization is to determine as precisely as possible the amount of manure available on the farm and the amount of nutrients it contains. An integral part of the NawSald program is a module for simulating manure production on the basis of information about livestock production on the farm. The calculated amount of manure should be distributed to the individual fields on the farm.
             The program allows assessing the environmental impact of fertilizers by controlling the balance of the components determined by the „on the soil surface” method. A positive balance value indicates that the nutrient input in the field exceeds their uptake by crops. A negative value indicates that the plant uptake is higher than the nutrient input.

Rates of mineral fertilizers are calculated as the difference between the nutritional needs of the plants and the amount of components brought into the soil in natural fertilizers and coming from other sources (ploughed by-products, nitrogen fixation by legumes, precipitation). The content of components in the soil is also taken into account.

The NawSald program is a decision support system. The farmer or advisor can correct the amount of fertiliser doses calculated by the program, the effects of the changes are visible in the balance of ingredients, so they can be controlled.

Plano RSN

The Planano RSN program is a tool for drawing up fertilisation plans in farms participating in agri-environmental programs and can also be used for these purposes in farms located in areas under particular threat. 

An integral part of the program is a module enabling simulation of manure production on the basis of information about animal production on the farm. The calculated amount of manure should be distributed on individual fields in the farm so as not to exceed the allowed annual rate of 170 kg nitrogen.  Rates of mineral fertilizers are calculated as the difference between the nutritional needs of the plants and the amount of components brought into the soil in manure and coming from other sources (ploughed by-products, nitrogen fixation by legumes, precipitation). 

The program enables full control of the inflow of ingredients to the field. It also creates a balance of NPK components with the „on the soil surface” method for the whole farm.

Contact about computer programs:

e-mail:, tel. 81 4786 755

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