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The station is located in gmina Jastków in Lublin voivodeship, in the north-eastern part of the Nałęczowski Plateau, which is a subregion of the Lublin Upland, in the belt of the southern Polish uplands, through which the rivers Ciemięga and Czechówka, which are tributaries of the Bystrzyca, flow. The quality of agricultural production space in the area of Jastkowo location is good with quite favourable climatic conditions. The soil cover is poorly diversified in terms of typology. Loess and loess-like formations predominate. Arable land of very good and good quality (class I, II and IIIa) prevails among agricultural land. 

By the decision of the IUNG Directorate in 2001, the Experimental Station of Hop Breeding and Cultivation in Jastków was transformed (as the only one of the field plants of agricultural profile) into an enterprise operating in another organizational and legal form; a limited liability company was established. The Agricultural Experimental Plant „JASTKÓW” Sp. z o.o.  is a financially independent enterprise. It conducts its own financial and accounting settlements and draws up a single balance sheet (it is not a component of the Institute’s collective balance sheet). The Company is also not subsidized by the Institute. Due to the ownership of 100% of shares of the Agricultural Experimental Station „JASTKÓW” Sp. z o.o. The Institute fulfils the rights and obligations of the sole shareholder resulting from the legal regulations in force, in particular the Commercial Companies Code.

The agricultural company produces crops for the cultivation of cereals (winter wheat, winter triticale) and spice and aromatic plants, which are used for the production of medicines and pharmaceutical products. In recent years, the dominant crop in the Company is hops, and the area of plantations has been systematically increasing. Hop production will be certified and the product will have a certificate of integrated production GLOBAL G.A.P. The company is one of the largest hop producers in Poland. It takes part in the POIR Project co-financed by NCBiR

Hop production technology using an innovative supporting structure and integrated system for optimizing irrigation, fertilization and plant protection„,

implemented by Energy Composites Sp. z o.o., IUNG-PIB and RZD „JASTKÓW” Sp. z o.o. Due to the persistent water deficit, the Company has built deep-sea water intakes and plans to create a system of hops plantation irrigation installations.

The predominant activity of the Agricultural Experimental Plant „JASTKÓW” Sp. z o.o., which is a specialization of the company, resulting from the generated revenues and entered in the National Court Register, is operating under the code 01.28.Z – cultivation of spice and aromatic plants and plants used in the production of medicines and pharmaceutical products, because this is how the production of hops is classified.