Head of Department:
dr Urszula Skomra
tel. 81 4786 943
mobile: 516 203 542
e-mail: Urszula.Skomra@iung.pulawy.pl
email: malgorzata.hermanowicz@iung.pulawy.pl
tel. 81 4786 931
Department’s Research Profile:
- breeding new cultivars of hops and tobacco towards quality and resistance using traditional, biotechnological and cytogenetic methods;
- applying tissue cultures in genetic and biochemical research;
- research on crops and pathogens using molecular biology techniques;
- diagnosis of diseases and identification of pathogens;
- qualitative, immunological and adaptation tests on wild species and varieties collected in the hops and tobacco collection;
- examination of the content of selected plant secondary metabolites using chromatographic and conductometric methods (tobacco alkaloids, essential oils, bitter acids and hop flavonoids).
- Chemical analyses of secondary metabolites of hops and tobacco: hop gentian acids by HPLC and essential oils of hops and tobacco alkaloids by GC/MS.
- Advisory service on hop and tobacco production: diseases and pests, soil cultivation and fertilization, integrated plant protection.
- Sequencing and analysis of DNA fragments using the Genetic Analyzer 3500 capillary sequencer.
- Verification of varietal identity of hop material using DNA microsatellite marker analysis.
Research Equipment
- Chromatography systems: GC/MS, Agilent 7890A, Agilent 5975C.
- Flow cytometers: Beckmann Coulter Cell Lab Quanta, Sysmex Partec CyFlow Cube 8.
- Systems LC/MS: Agilent 1200, Agilent 6110.
- Microscopes: Nikon Eclipse 80i with fluorescence module, Nikon C-DSD230 stereoscopic.
- Thermocyclers: Rotor-Gene 6500 5-plex HRM Corbett ReseTarch, T Personal Biometra, C1000i S1000 Bio-Rad, Veriti Thermal Cycler Life Technologies.
- Sequencers: Illumina MiSeq (NGS), 3500 Genetic Analyzer Life Technologies.
- UV/Vis spectrophotometer: tecan infinite 200 Pro, ND-2000 NanoDrop.
- Bioanalyzer: Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100.
- Sunrise Tecan microplate reader.
- Freeze-dryer: Alpha 1-4 LD plus Christ.
- Hamilton STARlet pipetting robot.
- Ultrasonic Lab freezers U 725 Innova New Brunswick Scientific.
- Snijders Labs MC 1750 climate chambers with adjustable spectral composition of light, temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration.