Head of Department:
dr Marta Wyzińska
tel. 81 4786 814
e-mail: Marta.Wyzinska@iung.pulawy.pl
tel. 81 4786 810
tel. 81 4786 790
Department’s Research Profile:
- research on the growth, development, biology of crop yields in various habitat and agrotechnical conditions
- development and improvement of crop production technology
- research on the technological value of plant raw materials used for consumption, feed and industrial purposes and the health safety of the raw material
- research on the influence of biotic and abiotic stresses and applied agrotechnical treatments on the physiological state and productivity of crops
- research on the efficiency of nutrient use by crops with particular emphasis on biologically bound nitrogen
- development and improvement of agrotechnics of extensive and local species and varieties of crops in organic farming conditions
- improvement of conventional and unconventional methods of reducing the negative effects of climate change on the productivity of crops
- improvement of conventional and unconventional methods of pest control in field crops
- assessment of the usefulness of new plant protection products in crop production technologies
- assessment of the production, economic and environmental effects of farms with different production directions
- conducting field, pot and microplot experiments
- maintaining the vegetation hall in technical working order
- Accreditation for conducting research in the field of application of: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, retardants, seed dressings.
- Grain quality assessment: hectoliter weight, 1000 kernel weight, flour extraction rates, moisture, gluten quality and quantity, sedimentation value, falling number, quality and quantity of mycotoxins in cereal grains.
- Farinographical evaluation of flour: water absorption, dough development time, dough constancy time, quality number.
- Student internships and scientific internships.
Research Equipment
- Hydro (N-tester).
- LAI 2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer.
- Equipment for determination of technological cereal value parameters: Fartorius MA 35, Glutomatic, Falling number 1500, Farinograph – Brabender, Veratox microplate reader for quantitative and qualitative determination of mycotoxins on the basis of ELISA tests.
- Laboratory mill: Perten 3010, Sedimat Junior.