Head of Department:
prof. dr hab. Anna Gałązka, prof. IUNG-PIB
tel. 81 4786 950
mobile: 516 203 529
e-mail: Anna.Galazka@iung.pulawy.pl
tel. 81 4786 951
Department’s Research Profile:
- assessment of genetic diversity and identification of soil microorganisms (PCR, Real Time PCR, PCR DGGE);
- assessment of structural and functional soil biodiversity related to agricultural practice and environmental protection, bioinformatic analyses – 16S amplicon sequencing (bacteria) and ITS (fungi);
- identification and characterisation of the metabolic profile of bacteria and fungi (Biolog System, Genlll Plates, FFPlates);
- assessment of microbiological, biochemical and mobile fractions of organic matter as indicators of soil fertility and health and analysis of the influence of various agrotechnical treatments on these indicators;
- determination of the number of mycorrhizal spores and the content of alomalins in soils;
- research into the properties and practical use of both atmospheric nitrogen-fixing bacteria and symbiotic legume plant bacteria.
- Evaluation of soil biological activity by the determination of biomass, total number of microorganisms and activity of soil enzymes.
- Identification of microorganisms in environmental samples, using the Biolog system and modern techniques of molecular biology.
- Microbiological research and expertise.
- Bioinformatic analyses – sequencing of 16S amplicons (bacteria) and ITS (fungi); complex analysis from raw fastq file; statistical elaboration, graphic presentation; alpha and beta biodiversity.
- Sales of vaccine for faba bean plants (NITRAGINA).
Research equipment
- Thermocycler Real-Time PCR, AriaMix Agilent Technology.
- Gradient thermocycler, Biometra.
- The DCode Universal Mutation Detection System for DGGE analysis, Bio-Rad.
- Apparatus for agarose electrophoresis, Bio-Rad and digital system for documentation of gels with composter workstation and software.
- FastPrep® -24 DNA extraction homogenizer, MP Biomedicals.
- Spectrophotometer for DNA and RNA concentration measurement NanoDrop Lite, Thermo Scientific.
- System for analysis of metabolism and phenotyping of microorganisms – Biolog OmniLog.
- Microplate reader with computer workstation.
- C and N analyzer.
- Freeze drying FreeZone Triad System.
- Modern computer hardware with specialized software – bioinformatics platform.
- Camera equipped microscope.
- CSI 200 gas chomatograph.
- System for preparation of ultra-pure water, autoclaves, II class laminar chambers, incubators, ultrasound freezer, growth-chamber.