Head of Department:
dr hab. Grzegorz Siebielec, prof. IUNG-PIB
tel. 81 4786 910
mobile: 516 203 523
e-mail: Grzegorz.Siebielec@iung.pulawy.pl
tel. 81 47 86 919
Department’s Research Profile:
- cartography and spatial valuation of soils on a national and regional scale, as well as mapping soil degradation phenomena and their spatial variability
- research and construction of databases of physical and chemical properties of soils and monitoring the dynamics of their changes at the national and regional level
- determining the impact of agricultural and non-agricultural activities on the state of the natural environment – monitoring and improvement of criteria for assessing the state and level of soil and water pollution
- research on the impact of extreme natural phenomena (droughts, torrential rains, floods) on the physicochemical properties of soils and their agricultural suitability
- research on the impact of climate change on the retention and production potential of soils
- research on the mechanisms and indicators of soil degradation and development of methods for remediating land and degraded areas
- supporting the implementation and assessment of the impact of agricultural policy instruments in relation to soils and the environment
- assessment of the possibilities of using waste substances for fertilization and soil reclamation
- transformation of available spatial information resources on soils into formats used in the European Union
- development of remote methods for assessing the condition of soils, natural phenomena and changes occurring in rural areas
- development of decision support systems for the rational use of agricultural production space
- development of geographic information systems for the assessment of natural and socio-economic phenomena in rural areas
- soil valuation and decision support systems for soil management in urban areas
- maintaining databases and modeling phenomena occurring in agricultural and urban space using GIS techniques and machine learning
- development of principles for comprehensive management of rural areas, taking into account European Union standards
- Elaborations concerning the assessment of land use changes, soil quality, level of its pollution, land productivity and soil degradation processes.
- Ecotoxicity assessment and ecological risk analysis of soil contamination.
- Development of databases and integration and processing of soil quality and rural areas spatial data.
- Development and delivery of digital soil and agricultural maps and their derivatives and digitalization and updating of soil maps to various scales.
- Evaluation of the usefulness of waste substances in agriculture.
- Modelling of water balance and migration processes of nutrients and contaminants in the catchment areas.
- Development of comprehensive rural area management projects.
- Determination of soil properties and level of soil contamination with trace elements and organic compounds.
Research Equipment
- Advanced software for spatial analysis, modelling changes in land use, water balance, erosion processes, migration of nutrients and contaminants.
- Integrated databases on soils and the environment.
- Determination of soil physicochemical properties – granulometric composition laser analyzer, Mastersizer 2000, mobile spectrophotometer VIS-NIR, CN VarioMacro analyzer, soil electrical conductivity detector, soil penetrologger, profile probes for soil moisture determination, flow analyzer CFA AutoAnalyzer for nitrates, nitrites and phosphates measurement.
- Determination of the content of elements and organic compounds in soil, water and plant samples – ICP-MS spectrometer, AAS spectrophotometer with graphite furnace, UV-VIS spectrophotometer, Hg analyzer, microwave stove, ASE extractor, gas chromatograph with ECD detector, gas chromatograph with MS detector, GC MS/MS (QqQ) gas chromatography kit.
- Microtox water or soil toxicity testing system, Oxi-Top kit, Fitotox-kit system.