Scope of activites:
- Evaluation of biological activity of herbicides, bioregulators and adjuvants (pre and post registration researches)
- Reaction of plant crop cultivars on herbicides
- Identification of weed species resistant to herbicides
- Specific bioassays used in plant protection researches (under control condition – green house and plant growth chamber)
- Determination and behavior of herbicidal pollutions in soil, water, plant and food development of energy-saving tillage systems and study of their impact on crops and soil
- development of effective and environment-safe methods of fertilization
- study of physical state of mineral soils and degree of their degradation
- investigation on micronutrient fertilizer needs with regard of environment protection criteria
- testing of farming usability of new fertilizers, particularly containing micronutrients
- investigation on phytoavailability of heavy metals
- development of integrated techniques of agrochemicals application
- soil tillage/fertilization equipment testing
- investigations into the principles of biomass production for energetic aims
- development of methods for maintenance the productive potential of soils temporary excluded from agricultural use
Researches to offer:
- Evaluation of biological activity of herbicides, bioregulators and adjuvants (pre and post registration researches) – field, microplots and green house conditions (Certificate of Ministry of Agriculture)
- Reaction of plant crop cultivars on herbicides – field, microplots and green house researches (maize, cereals, oilseed rape, etc.)
- Identification of weed species resistant to herbicides – bioassay and fluorescence measurement methods
- Specific bioassays used in plant protection researches (under control condition – green house and plant growth chamber)
- Determination of herbicidal pollutions (residues) in soil, water, plant and food