Other European Union Projects | ||||||
Interreg Central Europe | ||||||
No. | Title | Acronim | Project implementation period | Contract no. | Leader / IUNG leader | More information |
1. | Central European Alliance for Increasing Climate Change Resilience to Combined Consequences of Drought, Heatwave, and Fire Weather through Regionally-Tuned Forecasting | Clim4Cast | III 2023-II 2026 | Global Change Research Institute from Czech Republic | https://en.iung.pl/2023/03/15/start-of-clim4cast-project/ https://www.interreg-central.eu/ ![]() https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/clim4cast/ | |
Other EU projects - projects completed | ||||||
No. | Title | Acronim | Project implementation period | Contract no. | Leader / IUNG leader | More information |
Completed projects:
- Environmetal-agriculture analyses for the evaluation of CAP. Framework contract for the provision of thematic studies in the field of agri-environment, Procedure n
o. JRC/IPR/2014/H.4/0004/OC. Partners: Solagro, France (coordynator); Von Thünen Institute, Germany; SADL/KU Leuven, Belgium; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain; Environment Agency – Umweltbundesamt, Austria; IUNG. Poland (duration 5 years, 2015-2020)
- MANURE STANDARDS – Advanced manure standards for sustainable nutrient management and reduced emissions. (2017-2019) more…
- Innovative and sustainable intensification of integrated food and non-food systems to develop climate-resilient agro-ecosystems in Europe and beyond. Acronym: SustainFARM, (2016-2019), ERA-NET
- Fertility Building Management Measures in Organic Cropping Systems” – FertilCrop; (2015-2017) http://www.fertilcrop.net/
- Development of species index and optimisation on energetic plants production technology (IGRE); UDA-POIG. 01.03.01-00-132/08-02 (2009-2015) http://igre.projekty.nspace.pl/
The Project “Protection of species diversity of valuable natural habitats on agricultural lands on Natura 2000 areas in the Lublin Voivodeship” (KIK/25) (2010-2016) – is being implemented under the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme.
Projects realised within the framework of the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme:
- Urban Soil Management Strategy (URBAN-SMS); (2008-2012) http://www.urban-sms.eu/
Projects realised within the framework of the Polish-Norwegian Research Fund:
- Prediction and reduction of diffuse pollution, solid emission and extreme flows from rural areas (EOG-PL0274); (2008-2011) http://www.eog.pl/ http://www.eog.gov.pl/
Projects realised within the framework of the Baltic Sea Region Programme:
- Promotion and dissemination of the principles of recycling for ecological recycling farming system and food chain to protect Baltic Sea environment (BERAS IMPLEMENTATION); (2010-2013) http://www.beras.eu/
Projects realised within the framework of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy:
- Science platform service (PLATON); POIG. 02.03.00-00-028/08-00 (2008-2012) www.platon.pionier.net.pl/
- Development of species index and optimisation on energetic plants production technology (IGRE); UDA-POIG. 01.03.01-00-132/08-02 (2009-2015) http://igre.projekty.nspace.pl/
- Biotechnological tools for breeding cereals with increased resistance to drought (POLAPGEN-BD); POIG. 01.03.01-00-101/08 (2010-2014) http://www.polapgen.pl/
- Developing a system of tillage for sustainable agriculture; UDA-POIG. 01.03.01-00-042/09-00 (2010-2013)
- Impact of climate change on the environment, economy and society (changes, effects and ways of reducing them, applications for science, engineering practice and economic planning); (CLIMATE); POIG-01.03.01-14-011/08 (2010-2011)
Projects realised within the framework of the Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland:
- Organic Food Valley Cluster (EKOKLASTER); POPW. 01.04.03-00-013/09 (2010-2013) www.dolinaeko.pl
Special Research Projects
- Mitigation options for nutrient reduction in surface water and groundwater (COST Action 869); (2006-2011) http://www.cost869.alterra.nl/
- Biocidal potential of Medicago species for a sustainable control of phytoparasitic nematodes (2010-2012) more…
- COST Action FA0905-Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed www.umb.no/costaction
Innovative and sustainable intensification of integrated food and non-food systems to develop climate-resilient agro-ecosystems in Europe and beyond. Acronym: SustainFARM, (2016-2019), ERA-NET