Scope of activites:
- protection of agricultural soils quality and – evaluation of the processes of their degradation; application of remote sensing and chemometric methods for soil quality assessment
- assessment of the effect of anthropogenic factors and climate changes on agricultural soils; monitoring of soil and water pollution with metals and organie contaminants
- ecotoxicity assessments and ecological risk assessment
- mapping and spatial evaluations of agricultural soils quality at national and regional level; development and maintenance of integrated soil data bases
regional and country-wide assessment of potential and actual wind and water erosion and development of erosion risk indicators
- assessment of the environmental consequences of waste utilization in agriculture
- modelling of water and nutrients cycling
- evaluation of the environmental results of Common Agricultural Policy
Researches to offer:
- ecological risk assessment for contaminated sites
- regional assessment of land use changes, soil quality, land productivity and soil degradation processes
- development, integration and transformation of spatial databases characterizing soil coverage and rural areas
- delivery of digital soil maps and their derivatives; digitalization and update of soil maps to various scales
- testing the utility of waste materials for use in agriculture and for reclamation
- delineation of areas under risk of soil degradation and less favoured for agricultural production
- modelling of water balance and migration of nutrients and contaminants in catchments