Ongoing projects
No. | Title | Acronim | Project implementation period | Contract no. | Coordinator/Head of the IUNG-PIB team | Website |
1. | Introduction of a innovative, cheap and environmentally friendly method of hygienizing organic waste, enabling its use in fertilization (ORGSAFETY)2 | ORGSAFETY | 2021-2024 | GOSPOSTRATEG-III/0061/2020-00 | dr Piotr Skowron | |
2. | Agroecology Living Labs to promote robust and resilient organic production systems (ALL-ORGANIC)2 | ALL-ORGANIC | 2021-2024 | CORE ORGANIC/III/97/ALL-ORGANIC/2022 | dr Adam Berbeć | |
3. | Development of innovative technology for producing microbially enriched bio-fertilisers supporting sustainable crop production and its adaptation to climate change (INNO-MIK) | INNO-MIK | 2022-2025 | LIDER/36/0184/L-12/20/NCBR/2021 | dr Sylwia Siebielec | https://www.inno-mik.pl/ |
4. | Collaborative Landscape planning for Enhanced Agrobiodiversity and Resilience (CLEAR)1 | CLEAR | 2023-2026 | SUSCROP/AgroBioDiv/I/64/CLEAR/2023 | dr hab. Jarosław Stalenga | |
5. | Development of an innovative osmoprotective microbial preparation for the support and protection of crop plants under osmotic stress conditions caused by variable soil moisture and salinity (OSMO-PROTECT) | OSMO-PROTECT | 2024-2025 | LIDER14/0250/2023 | dr Karolina Furtak | |
6. | Support for pollution monitoring in agriculture | 2024-2027 | INFOSTRATEG-VI/0010/2023 | dr hab. Grzegorz Siebielec |
1 IUNG-PIB – leader of the consortium
2 IUNG-PIB partner in the consortium
Completed projects
- New biotechnological solutions for diagnostics, control and monitoring of key fungal pathogens in organic cultivation of soft fruits (acronym: EcoFruits) (2018-2021) more…
- Technology for the conversion of agriculture resouces and wastes into D-lactic (D-LA) and (S)-(-)-2-chloropropionic (S-MCP) acids, semiproducts for the synthesis of biodegradable polimers and new forms of herbicides (acronym: S-MCP) (IUNG as a partner) more…
- BIOproducts from lignocellulosic biomass derived from Marginal land to fill the Gap In current national bioeconomy (acronym: BioMagic) more…
- Development of a technology of innovative microbiologically enriched mineral fertilizers (acronym: BIO-FERTIL) more…
- Anti-resistance strategy in weed management as an important factor of the sustainable development of agroecosystem (acronym: BioHerOd) more…
- Development of innovative biodegradable soybean seed coating based on biopolymers from renewable raw materials for better tolerance of plants to adverse environmental conditions (acronym: BIOSOYCOAT) more…
- Support for low carbon agriculture able to adapt to observed climate change in the perspective of 2030 and 2050 (acronym: LCAgri). Coordinator IUNG-PIB more…
- Interdisciplinary research on improving energy efficiency and increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the energy balance of Polish agriculture. (acronym: BIOGAS&EE) (IUNG as a partner) (2015-2018). more…