Department of Systems and Economics of Crop Production conducts research concerning natural and economic issues of agricultural production and management of farms.
The scientific tasks carried out in the Department are complex and aim to identify and resolve problems at canopy, field and farm levels.
Research areas in the Department
- Assessment of the impact of farms with different intensity and type of production on the environment.
- Evaluation of the possibilities for the cultivation and use of plants for liquid and solid biofuels production.
– Studies on the improvement of production technology of different plant species for energy purposes and the designation of areas suitable for their production.
- Production and environmental consequences of cereal crop rotations.
– Studies on identifying and assessing the factors limiting the grain yields in simplified crop rotations and looking for the methods to eliminate the effects of these simplifications.
- Assessment of the impact of different farming systems on the environment and the possibility of their development in different regions.
– Creation of network of farms representing different production systems and developing the methodologies for data collection.
- Monitoring of environmental effects of the Rural Development Plan.
- Research related to organic farming.
Research on the issues relating to organic farming was started in IUNG in 1992. The research focuses on the following topics: – improvement of the organization of farms and agricultural technology in organic farming, – comprehensive assessment of production efficiency, quality of agricultural products and the impact of organic farming on the environment, – development of the guidelines and evaluation of the impact of farm conversion from conventional to organic production..