Projects implemented under the HORIZON EUROPE | | | | | | | |
No. | Title | Acronim | Project implementation period | Contract no. | Coordinator/Head of the IUNG-PIB team | More information | WWW |
1. | Preparing for the "Soil Deal for Europe" Mission | PREPSOIL | 2022-2025 | 101070045 | dr hab. Grzegorz Siebielec | Short information | |
2. | Empowering the Central and Eastern European Countries and beyond to Develop Bioeconomy Strategies and Action Plans | CEE2ACT | 2022-2025 | 101060280 | mgr inż. Piotr Jurga | Short information | |
3. | Accelerating circular bio-based solutions integration in European rural areas | BioRural | 2022-2025 | 101060166 | dr hab. Magdalena Borzęcka | Short information | |
4. | MAINSTREAMing small-scale BIO-based solutions across rural Europe via regional Multi-actor Innovation Platforms and tailored innovation support | MainstreamBIO | 2022-2025 | 101059420 | dr hab. Magdalena Borzęcka | Short information | |
5. | Nature Based Solutions for Soil Management | NBSoil | 2022-2026 | 101091246 | dr hab. Grzegorz Siebielec | Short information | |
6. | Risk AssessmenT InnOvatioN for low-risk pesticides | RATION | 2022-2026 | 101084163 | dr Magdalena Dziągwa-Becker | Short information | |
7. | Turning food waste into sustainable soil improvers for better soil health and improved food systems | Waste4Soil | 2023-2027 | 101112708 | dr Adam Berbeć | Short information | |
8. | Information-based Strategies for LAND Remediation | ISLANDR | 2023-2026 | 101112889 | dr hab. Grzegorz Siebielec | Short information | |
9. | Sustainable renewable energy VALUE chains for answering FARMers needs | VALUE4FARM | 2023-2027 | 101116076 | prof. Mariusz Matyka | Short informationinformation | www |
10. | Support Structure for Soil Living Labs | SOILL | 2024-2028 | 101112782 | prof. Mariusz Matyka | Short information | - |
11. | Creation and promotion of Forest and Agriculture Networks to boost Bio-Based Technologies adoption and Value Chain development | BBioNets | 2024-2026 | 101133904 | dr hab. Magdalena Borzęcka | Short information | www |
12. | Improving yields in organic cropping systems | OrganicYieldsUP | 2024-2028 | 101137068 | dr hab. Jarosław Stalenga | Short information | |
13. | MONITORING AND DETECTION OF BIOTIC AND ABIOTIC POLLUTANTS BY ELECTRONIC, PLANTS AND MICROORGANISMS BASED SENSORS | Mobiles | 2024-2028 | 101135402 | dr Anna Marzec-Grządziel | Short information | www |
14. | UNLOCKING EFFICIENT BIO-BASED FERTILISERS FOR SOIL SUSTAINABILITY FROM UNDERUTILISED SIDE STREAMS | LANDFEED | 2024-2028 | 101157636 | dr Magdalena Dziągwa-Becker | Short information |, www |
15. | DEploying Ecosystemic solutions to imProve soil Health and uncOveRing subsoil functIons in the critical ZONe | DeepHorizon | 2024-2028 | 101156701 | mgr inż. Piotr Jurga | Short information | www |
16. | Safe Wheat Agriculture Towards Sustainable Health: Innovative Sensing Techniques, and Holistic Spectroscopy traceability for improved Soil, plant Health and safe wheat grain | WHEATWATCHER | 2024-2028 | 101156480 | dr hab. Grzegorz Siebielec | | info, www |
17. | THEMATIC EUROPEAN RURAL BIOECONOMY NETWORK (thERBN) | thERBN | 2025-2027 | 101182955 | dr hab. Magdalena Borzęcka | - | info |
18. | FERTIliser product recovery from secondary raw materials using best available TEChniques | FERTITEC | 2025-2027 | 101181513 | dr Piotr Skowron | - | info |
HORIZON EUROPE - projects completed | | | | | | | |
No. | Title | Acronim | Project implementation period | Contract no. | Leader / IUNG leader | More information | |
1. | National engagement activities to support the launch of the Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe" 100 Living Labs and Lighthouses | NATI00NS | 2022-2024 | 101090738 | dr hab. Grzegorz Siebielec | Short information | |